
Welcome to Birth of a book. Originally published as a blog to read comments about the creation of my book Seven-Tenths; Love, Piracy and Science at Sea, it also includes details of upcoming events and periodic odd musings from me and sometimes even my daughter Sara who contributed her thoughts on our trip to AirVenture in Oshkosh, WI where she tried her hand at a father-daughter blog.


Thursday, July 31, 2014

Meeting Someone Again For The First Time

Scott Manley is a glider flight instructor and writer for Soaring Magazine. He was my first instructor and the two of us spent a number of months flying together. This week we met for the first time. Yes, the last two sentences are in chronological order. I did my initial training in a networkable soaring simulator with me on Cape Cod and Scott in Wisconsin. Scott could see what I was doing in real-time, and if the scenario called for it, we could even fly separate gliders in the same virtual airspace.

Scott didn’t take any compensation for this. Our pact (some old-school instructors may say it was a pact with the devil) was that when I went for flight training in a real glider I wouldn’t tell my instructors of my simulator experience. Scott’s rationalization for this was that convincing Luddite glider instructors in the value of simulation training would be more effective if we take them by surprise. It was an effective strategy, and I had my instructors thinking either I was the greatest student they ever had, or that they suddenly became the Jedi Masters of teaching. Neither was true, but it did help to prove Scott’s point once I fessed up.

So after all this time I finally got to shake Scott’s hand, and help him spread the word of simulation-based glider training here at the Soaring Society of America tent at AirVenture. If you ever wanted to fly sailplanes I’m happy to help get you started, and you won't have to make a pact with the devil.


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